[key]: function (default) // comment ------------------------------------- [space]: Color Selector (off) // just like the one in "Processing->Tools" [space]: OK [delete]: Cancel [a]: Anti-aliasing (off) // utilizing Anti-aliasing Lines algorithm in the lecture slides [l]: Poly-line (on) // drag mouse to simulate, and release mouse to draw [r]: Reset [c]: Encircle // draw a line between the first and last points of the current poly-line [p]: Pencil (off) // draw by dragging mouse [b]: Airbrush (off) // utilizing Flood Fill algorithm in the lecture slides (please test it on small area since recursion takes time...) [k]: Pick Color (off) // pick color from canvas [1]: Pen Size--1px (on) [2]: Pen Size--3px (off) [3]: Pen Size--5px (off) [4]: Pen Size--7px (off) [9]: Pen Type--project (off) [0]: Pen Type--round (on) [w]: Rainbow (off) // change color automatically when drawing [i]: Invert // invert every pixel's color on canvas [h]: Help (off) [n]: New [s]: Save // save to Sun_HW1.png [o]: Open // open Sun_HW1.png [q]: Quit ------------------------------------- Everything is drawn by point(). Enjoy it!